Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS is found in children whose mothers used alcohol during their pregnancy. The syndrome is characterised...
“As a winemaker, wine gives me so much joy. I enjoy making the wine, the friends it brings into my life, the travels abroad and the festive celebrations it ensures.
However, on my 50th birthday I realised that wine has a negative effect when it is used in excess and in the wrong way. I decided that I want to make a difference in the lives of others, especially those affected by the abuse of alcohol.
Excessive use of alcohol has many effects, but I decided to concentrate on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). FAS occurs when a woman uses alcohol during her pregnancy.
Alcohol influences the development of the unborn baby and can lead to brain damage and stunted growth. Children with FAS have little or no power over their judgement. What is a child without a dream?
I therefore decided to establish the Beyers Truter FAITH Fund (Fetal Alcohol-Syndrome and Interrelated Treatment Help Fund). The FAITH Fund raises funds to inform people in rural areas of the dangers involved in the use of alcohol during pregnancy. The funds are appropriated by schools for FAS projects and awareness campaigns.
Each pregnant woman who is aware of the dangers that alcohol holds for her child, and who avoids it, can bring a child without FAS into this world. A child who can foster a dream for the future- a dream to become a teacher, a doctor, a farmer or even a Pinotage winemaker. I hope to make a difference.“
Beyers Truter